Heavy bombers

The naming is not accidental; they are not joking and act surprisingly fast.
Let's first see Genyaláda (Jerk), the grey heron's story
Of course, the call came at the weekend; a heron was hit during a pigeon hunt. For a start, we did not understand why pigeons have to be hunted; but apart from that, how can a heron be confused with a pigeon.???
The bird suffered a severe wing injury. The X-ray showed a bone fracture close to the joint. It seemed doubtful whether the wingtip could be saved through surgery.
Unfortunately, after a couple of weeks, it became clear that the fracture would not heal, the area started to become necrotic. Amputation had become inevitable. The "birdie" endured the ordeal much better than expected, and took an attitude of "thanks, but no thanks" to any food apart from an immeasurable quantity of Danube bleaks and rudds. All other frozen goods were "respectfully returned" to the caregivers. Genyaláda is currently nicely healing and recovering in our aviary.
We are looking for a suitable wildlife park for this "kind" bird to live the rest of its life freely.
Súlyos szárnysérülést szenvedett a madár. A röntgen felvételen a csont ízületközeli roncsolt törése volt látható. Kétségesnek tűnt, hogy műtéti utón menethető-e a szárnyvég.

During the operation, it could be seen that the wing's soft tissue damage was more severe than expected based on the X-ray. Nevertheless, Dr. Szabina did her best to save the injured limb.
Unfortunately, after a couple of weeks, it became clear that the fracture would not heal, the area started to become necrotic. Amputation had become inevitable. The "birdie" endured the ordeal much better than expected, and took an attitude of "thanks, but no thanks" to any food apart from an immeasurable quantity of Danube bleaks and rudds. All other frozen goods were "respectfully returned" to the caregivers. Genyaláda is currently nicely healing and recovering in our aviary.
We are looking for a suitable wildlife park for this "kind" bird to live the rest of its life freely.

Moving onto the Swans
Two swans - two eerily similar cases. Two weeks apart, the Foundation was alerted twice that somewhere near Dunavarsány, an injured swan was found, presumably flown into a high voltage cable or mast.
Unfortunately, the medical examination did not indicate any particular lesion, injury, or disease in the first case, but the animal was much calmer than expected. The swan traveled to the clinic on the car's passenger seat right next to Robi, like it is the most natural thing in the world.
Despite the acute shock and roborative treatments, the bird passed away during the night. We are very sorry, birdie...
The second swan was much luckier. The callers said that the bird had flown into a high voltage cable then fell. An inflammatory lesion was visible on the beak; no other abnormalities were observed during the physical examination. The swan is already feeling fine and would like to leave, which we will allow since only Robi dares to go near enough to feed it.

The case of a third swan has been solved outside of our clinic thanks to the expertise of Károly
A young swan had a hook in its beak; several people tried to catch it without any success. When
the bird was finally captured, the hook was easier to remove than usual due to its superficial